How to Pee in Your Wedding Dress

Let’s be honest, any woman who’s ever been married, or hell, even worn a long dress in general, will have asked themselves, “How do I pee in this thing?” and while the topic of using the bathroom is generally taboo, it’s a necessary point to discuss for women who are about to get into their wedding dress! 

Now, unlike most dresses you may have worn in the past, a wedding dress constitutes a whole new world of issues. While you may be able to navigate using the bathroom reasonably in a normal dress, a wedding dress is generally not designed with this function in mind. This is surprising considering the fact that on your wedding day, you're probably going to need to pee more than normal! 

You also need to be aware that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution to using the restroom in a wedding dress. For instance, if your dress is a puffy ballroom gown, your issue is going to be the sheer volume of fabric or if you’re in a mermaid dress, you may run into the issue of not being able to raise it high enough to sit down on the toilet.

At this point you may be freaking out a little, and while that’s to be expected, there are some great ways to avoid a disaster on your wedding day that don’t involve you taking off your wedding dress every time you go to pee! For starters, when trying on a wedding dress, it’s customary to sit and dance in order to test its maneuverability. However, this is also a great time to see how well you can (or will be able to) use the restroom in any given dress that you try on. Obviously, I don’t recommend buying a dress based off how well you can pee in it but knowing that information can be invaluable on your wedding day!

Before we get into the topic of useful tools for assisting you in relieving yourself, I want to mention your bridesmaids. For those of you who have a wedding party, your bridesmaids are the perfect group of friends and family to help you on your big day! Obviously, using the restroom is a private matter generally speaking, but never be afraid to ask your girls for a little assistance if need be! It’s often way less awkward than originally anticipated, and your bridesmaids can help keep you and your dress clean!

Of course, some brides may not be comfortable with the idea of peeing in front of others, even if they are close friends or family, and that’s totally okay! There’s also the problem of not having a wedding party at all, which is common with smaller weddings or elopements. So then, what’s the next solution?

Tools For Your Arsenal


This revolutionary device is simple to use, compact and portable! The She-Wee was designed with discreteness in mind, and thus is easy to use while standing. Just grab your selected pee bottle and your She-Wee and you're good to go! There’s really not much to say about this brilliant little tool, except that you should try one out!

Price: $9.99

Check it out here!

Sunany Portable Urinal

Like our last contender, this device is easy to use, and ultra-portable. Also designed to be used while standing, this silicone urinal is soft and forms to your lady bits to keep you clean! Grab your pee bottle and your portable urinal and you’re in business!

Price: $15.99

Check it out here!

Minion Portable Urinal

Unlike the previous two offerings, the minion portable urinal does not require you to have a pee bottle. It includes a plastic, fully sealable container to pee into. This does constitute a slightly larger size, although it is still very compact and portable. Also designed to be used while standing, this tool is a great option for those not looking to have a pee bottle hanging around their wedding!

Price: $19.95

Check it out here!

While it’s true that there’s no perfect solution to using the restroom in a wedding dress, there are loads of ways to work around the common problems that we women face! My advice is to use those around you to their fullest extent, but if that’s not a preferable option then grab one of the tools listed above to help you out! Finally, don’t forget to test the bathroom capabilities of your dress options when you're trying them on, this can be a great way to save yourself time and trouble down the road!

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