How to: Fold a Pocket Square

This will not come as a surprise to you but grooms and groomsmen don’t usually fold pocket squares regularly in their day to day lives. I can count on one hand the number of friends of mine that dress up using pocket squares they fold themselves!

The suit or tux really comes together with the style of the pocket square, tie or bow tie (check out our blog post on how to tie a bow tie here) and boutonnière!

But you have to know how to fold it and not just have a bunch of fabric stuffed into the pocket - right? No one will notice but you will always know when looking back through your photos!

Guys are infamous for saying they only need a few minutes to get ready on their wedding day, if you are a guy and are reading this then you know what I am talking about!

That is usually true when going out on a date with your girl or heading to hang out with the guys but they didn’t have pocket squares, bow ties, cuff links and the rest to put on, let alone having a wedding photographer their being the wedding day paparazzi! Yup, wedding photographers are there for every moment, every smile, every tear, all the important memories and the pocket square fold attempts - just like paparazzi. 😉

So, to keep on time for your wedding day and not be stuck huddled around an iPhone watching YouTube videos on how to fold your pocket square here are four easy pocket square styles for you to practice and have on hand for your wedding day!

Get to practicing so that it is a breeze and stress free on on your wedding day. 🙌🏻

Four different ways to fold a pocket square for your groom or your groomsmen.

Video tutorial below also to give you a step by step visual guide.

Presidential Fold

1. Lay the pocket square flat so it resembles a square.

2. Fold the right side over to meet the left, making a vertical rectangle.

3. Fold the top down just short of the bottom.

4. Tuck into pocket with the folded side up.

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Winged Puff

1. Lay the pocket square flat so it resembles a diamond.

2. Fold the top corner down to the bottom corner.

3. Fold the right and left corners in to the bottom corner, making a smaller diamond.

4. Fold the left, right, and bottom corners of the diamond in to the center.

5. Tuck into pocket with the unfolded corner facing out.

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Three Point

1. Lay the pocket square flat so it resembles a diamond.

2. Fold the bottom corner up to meet the top corner.

3. Fold the left corner up to the right of the top point, making a second peak.

4. Fold the right corner up to the left of the top point, making a third peak.

5. Tuck into pocket with the folds facing out.

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One Point

1. Lay the pocket square flat so it resembles a diamond.

2. Fold the bottom corner up to meet the top corner.

3. Fold side points in just past the center, aligning the folded edge, making 90-degree angles on each side.

4. Tuck into pocket with the folds facing in.

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Jeremy + Carlie


Addilynn Olivia