Kate’s Top 9 Creative Wedding Decor Ideas

Wedding decor comes in all shapes, sizes, colors and styles!

I’ve been impressed by so many awesome displays at weddings, whether it’s floral, food or hand-crafted decor, I know one thing for sure, KHP couples will go the distance to make the wedding of their dreams a reality!

So I thought we could get inspired for the upcoming season together! The internet is a truly wonderful place, there are so many crazy cool ideas out there on how to create and arrange any part of your wedding to perfectly match the style you desire! Whether you want to create it yourself or have it created for you there is no shortage of great ideas! I’ve picked a handful of my favorites to share with you. They come from a variety of places and I’ll try my best to include at least one photo of each idea!

During all my years as a wedding photographer I have seen some awesome and unique archways! Each year there are some new and exciting trends in the archway community! For example, the hexagon shaped archway is becoming increasingly popular, along with the circular archway. I also really like the look of the multi-tiered archway. It adds some awesome depth to the ceremony space! Maybe you’re looking something a little more rustic? The triangle archway is perfect for rugged outdoor ceremonies! The final archway was used by a recent couple, it worked very well with tier venue and had a nice, natural feel to it!

There are tons of creative ways to decorate the rather emptier spaces of your venue. These were three of my favorites that I’ve come across recently! The flowers dripping down from those overturned basins is an awesome look! It provides a great splash of color to a rather bland walkway. This could be a great idea for use on your wedding aisle! The last two images contain some super cool hanging decor; great for both indoor and outdoor spaces! If you have a venue that has high ceilings or trees with overhanging branches, it can really change the feel and add a pop of visual pleasure to have things dangling down from above.

The guestbook is a classic piece of wedding culture. Most couple still have one present at their to do this day and most married couples keep their book for ages and ages! That said, there are some awesome ways to turn your “guest book” into something a little more unique! The glass heart container is an awesome idea! You can have each guest take a small wooden heart and write their name on it, then drop it into the container and bam, at the end of the day you’ve got a functional table topper for your house! The puzzle is super unique as well, though you may not want to keep it out after the wedding as you could lose pieces, but still, it would be a super cool keepsake! Personally, I like the paining the best! If you know an artist that would paint you and your fiancé then you’ve got a double treasure! A list of your wedding guests and an art piece from a friend!

Boutonnieres are an essential part of the wedding formal wear! While most people choose to go classic and just use a mixture of florals there are some awesome ways to make them your own! You could add some exotic flower to the mix (see image 3) or go with an outdoorsy theme and use pinecones and tree leaves. The only limit is your imagination!

Wedding signage comes in shapes and sizes! I love the little roadway sign pointing out the wedding venue! Most people will put up some sort of sign pointing out a venue but their usually large paper signs or dinky little plates with balloons attached. A wooden sign like this would surely stand out! An alternative to a guest book altogether is to use a handcrafted sign with you and your fiancés name on it! Have your guests give it a sign and then hang it in your house after the wedding as a beautiful reminder of your big day! The final sign shown below is a super cool way of letting your guests know that you want an unplugged ceremony. Honestly, having an unplugged ceremony is something I can’t recommend enough. This day and age everyone has their phone out all the time. It can be a wonderful thing to request them to leave their phones put away, at least for the ceremony!

Table decor is awesome! I love the idea of custom name card holders and table numbers. It makes organizing a meal at your reception a piece of cake, especially after people start to take their seats. There are so many cool ways to make these items unique to you and your theme! I love the table accents in images 3 and 4! I feel that alone, the candle holder in the left image wouldn’t be enough to really stand out on a table. However, the flower box in the right image holds just enough visual weight on the table that it would be noticed without becoming a distraction. Finally, the forks in the last image just screamed “cute” to me. A personalized set of serving ware for the bride and groom is an awesome idea! The utensils could easily be used after the wedding as well!

Origami! If you want some awesome handcrafted pieces of decor for your wedding then look no further! Obviously the most popular design is the crane, but there are some seriously cool non-crane designs you create and use any sort of thing. Table decor, seat decor, you could use them on your invites, the possibilities are endless! Of course, the only images I have below are all of cranes, but trust me, there are a million different ways to fold paper! Most of the uses you’d find for large number of origami objects would be for hanging decor. While the first couple images are unique, I really love image 3! A chandelier of cranes is so beautiful and you definitely don’t see one of those every day! You could also use origami to make name cards for seating and believe it or not they look awesome as cake decor as well!

Wedding invites are usually mass produced and thrown to the four corners of wherever your guests live! However there are some awesome ways to put a personal touch on them. The ones on the left might be mass produced but they have an individually stamped seal on the top! How cool is that! The middle set may again have been mass produced but you still have to take the time to put them all together into their packets. That’s something special! The image on the right might be my favorite of them all! It’s a custom Laser cut invite with 3D paper flowers. These would not be cheap to produce and would take a considerable amount of time and care, but if you want something that no one else will have for wedding invites then this is an exceptional idea!

Finally, we get to some food! The reason I’m including food in this blog is because these charcuterie tables look incredible! I mean just look at all the time and effort people had to put into these! Mind you it will only look this good while you and your guests haven’t touched it, but still. While I personally like the multi-tiered tables best the single layer spreads look beautiful too! I had to throw in the image of the cones! That is by far the most creative charcuterie build I’ve ever seen!

Well, this has been fun! It’s not often that I get to sit down and write a blog about awesome wedding decor ideas! Maybe I’ll have to do a part two! I hope these inspired you to look far and wide for your decor. Your wedding is theme and design is truly only limited by you and your imagination! But don’t worry, if you find your imagination lacking just hop on the internet and start browsing! You’re guaranteed to get inspired by someone’s awesome creations, just like I am!

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